Sunday, June 26, 2016


About 1 week ago we checked the mail and I found a Bass Pro news paper. I looked through it and it said there was summer camp Tuesday's, Thursday's, Saturday's, and Sunday's. It was Friday, so the next day was camp but right before dinner I looked at it more closely and it said June 25 to July 24, and it was only June 18! I got kind of mad but a week later we did it, which was yesterday. It was A LOT of fun! We learned about fishing and water safety. At the end we got a lanyard and badge. I got the fishing badge and water safety badge. There was also other fun things too! There was practice casting, archery, pretend camping, crafts, and my favorite-BB gun practice! I finally shot my first gun and I don't mean to brag, but I did pretty good. The craft was my second favorite station. We got to plant lettuce! It was so so so much fun! It was the best summer camp ever! And I also got to buy a giant bass pillow! It was huge! I want to get all nine badges. It is a great memory to think about. That was my latest adventure at Bass Pro. Bye!

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Today me my dad and my sisters went fishing at berry springs park. The water was very clear and we saw a lot of fish. After we did a few casting my dad found a big fish so he casted it out there he kept nibbling but he would never actually bite it. But me and my dad did not give up but we tried lure with 6 hooks and after a few casts he finally took it! Me and my dad both technically caught it he hooked it I reeled it in. My dad named it big bob I thought it was kind of funny. Now my dad wanted my sister to catch it (Makenna). And after a few casts she got him but he was harder than it was for me he was kind of skittish.We both caught him with a lure that we got from bass pro. He was probably the biggest fish I  caught in Texas. Now I have caught 5 fish in Texas. When my sister was reeling the fish in we think we saw a bass it was pretty big and he was kind of interested in the fish we caught but I was  kind of getting a sunburn so we just reeled in the fish,took a picture,and left. I was kind of surprised we caught any thing because usually we only catch stuff with live bait! Well thats my story of are morning at berry springs park!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Yesterday morning my dad went paddle boarding and he saw a bunch of fish jumping in the water and we where going fishing that night. After my dad got home he told me all about the new place. So after my mom left and we took are dog Maui to get a haircut we went to bass pro (my favorite store in the world). We went there to get Avery a fishing pole and I got my dad a bass pro gift card for Father's Day  so he also wanted to get some bait. After we got there we got a few fishing lures and Avery picked her pole out. When my dad was looking  for a hole pack of fishing lures I found where all the worms where and I looked to see what the crawlers looked like and they where giomormous so we got those and some other worms for my worm farm. When my dad was looking for something else I found this cool tackle box and it was only 15 bucks so I got it my dad really liked it. After that we got all this bait like fake worms,lures,and that's about all.and then we left but Avery couldn't find her money so I bought it for her.  So that night we went to the lake but the fishing dock was all flooded so my dad walked to see how deep it was it was up to his stomach so first he took the fishing stuff then Avery then makenna then me so a few minutes after we got there these people come on the dock to after they caught about two perch they told it the rip a few pieces of a worm and put one on at a time and believe it or not I caught a fish! But then Avery probably had a bass or somthing but she wasn't in time to get her pole so the fish dragged it under water! After that Makenna caught a fish it was a perch it was around eight and right when the guy was leaving he told us there where snakes at night nere water! Makenna wanted to catch one more fish but my dad said let Avery because she didn't catch one yet so I figured while she's fishing I can fish to so I did and got two more perch the funny thing was they kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller! On the way back to the car my sisters where a little scared and they cried a little bit but they where ok. And that is my story of my of my new fishing adventure!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


(My worm farm)

Hello again,
This is my worm farm me and my dad made it. It is made out of a plastic box and potting soil and a piece of wood. You make it by getting a plastic box as shown then you can either put Pete moss in or potting soil I put potting soil but Pete moss is probabally the best then after that you get a piece of wood not so big but not so small either then you take the piece of wood lift the box up then put the box back down and there you have it. Now there's a special way to get worms you can buy them but then your spending money. The way I do it is get a water bottle put soap in it then shake it up after your done with that pour the water where you think worms would live like on mud or right after a big rain. It happens because worms can't breath in soap so they come to the top of the ground and once there all the way out you can pick them up and put them in your worm farm. I've probabally got about close to 20. Your worm farm is also like a compost because worms almost eat anything except sitris and dairy like banana peals they'll eat grass and even parts of egg cartons! There that's my worm farm.


(My first catch)

Hello everybody,
This is my first catch. He is a green sunfish. I caught him with a worm at lake Georgetown. My sister (makenna) also caught a fish it was the exact same kind. You can catch these fish with live minnows,worms,spinners,poppers,and streamers. I caught him around 5:00 or 5:30 PM. There not huge They can get up to 10 inches and 36 ounces. There habitat is clear to muddy water; widely found in small streams to big rivers,lakes,reservoirs. There features are large mouth;"ear" flap reduced and tabbed w/light border; elongated,compressed body w/blue- green cast; pale green belly; dots in rows on sides; black dots on anal and dorsal fins and that is all for features. A few minutes after we got there a man showed up and told us all these tips like you don't have to cast so far out and showed my dad where to cast and believe it or not he got a bite but then it got tangled against the stick so after he told us to cast out close to the rocks and we just left it there and went to the bathroom and after I pulled the pole up and there the fish was! So the rest of the day was great for me but we had to let the fish free. I kind of got jealous because this guy a little bit away from us caught a pretty big fish that looked like some kind of bass but I was lucky to get anything. I technically caught two fish right when my dad was gonna cast it out again I put the worm in water to see if he was alive and then here comes this fish about an inch that was black and he got stuck on the pole! After we let the fish go me and my dad where laughing and a few minutes later we caught the Bigger fish. So that's my story of catching my first fish. Wish me luck next time bye.