Sunday, June 26, 2016


About 1 week ago we checked the mail and I found a Bass Pro news paper. I looked through it and it said there was summer camp Tuesday's, Thursday's, Saturday's, and Sunday's. It was Friday, so the next day was camp but right before dinner I looked at it more closely and it said June 25 to July 24, and it was only June 18! I got kind of mad but a week later we did it, which was yesterday. It was A LOT of fun! We learned about fishing and water safety. At the end we got a lanyard and badge. I got the fishing badge and water safety badge. There was also other fun things too! There was practice casting, archery, pretend camping, crafts, and my favorite-BB gun practice! I finally shot my first gun and I don't mean to brag, but I did pretty good. The craft was my second favorite station. We got to plant lettuce! It was so so so much fun! It was the best summer camp ever! And I also got to buy a giant bass pillow! It was huge! I want to get all nine badges. It is a great memory to think about. That was my latest adventure at Bass Pro. Bye!